Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 8
-Right of free speech is bound by gag orders
-against anonymous op-eds
-members of the FBI have to be against the Patriot Act

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 7
- Herman Cain's and Mitt Romney's debate consisted mostly around race, gays, religion or immigration even though they were going to talk about the economy
-the debate in Las Vegas was predicted to revolve around the same matters
-Nevada is not the best place to debate about immigration because of the large Latino population and the states dependency on immigrant labor
-Romney and Cain's ideas strong views are not beneficial to them

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 6
- 96 year old African America, Dorothy Cooper was denied her right to vote because of new republican law of having a photo ID to vote and Dorothy has always voted.
-Republicans say that everyone does but this case disproves it
-this law affects minorities, young voters, poor voters, and disabled voters, and often elderly (18% lack photo IDs and people have spent many hours trying to get IDs in order to vote)
-Republicans believe IDs are essential to prevent election fraud however the state and federal laws already do that. Many people's abilities to vote are hindered by this.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 5

-to influence the nation's politics money must be made
-want change with in the government, you should run for office yourself
-"that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power"
-President Obama, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, and Majority Leader Harry Reid waste too much time trying to reach a consensus, however, they should spend more time they need to realize that they cannot always reach a consensus.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 4
- we are now conflicted with having a a small, limited government system or a big government entitlement state.
-both the parties can do something to create a better status quo in Washington
- the governmental debate is beneficial but it is only going to get worse. However, without it, we wouldn't be be talking about how to manage ballooning entitlements for long term periods. We wouldn't the state of our excess federal deficit, and we wouldn't recognize the need for fiscal restraint and responsibility of our financial problems.