Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 3
in this photo a man is holding up a sparkler, sparklers usually indicate celebration, and sparklers are generally used in the night. So this could be a New Year's celebration. The man in the photo does not have a big smile on his face, but rather has a pleasant look on his face and is intently looking at the sparkler. The black and white picture makes the sparkler look like it is the only light in the room and it is giving off a warm serene glow to it and lighting the man's face up as well. The main focus is on the man and his fascination with the sparkler. It may be that he has not seen a sparkler in a long time so and now he finally remembers the pleasures sparklers bring during a celebration or when lighting them. The main focus is on the man and his sparkler because of the blurriness in the background and the dark show behind him. this brings a glow and an emphasis to the photo. the blurriness also represents a soft haze usually thought of as a warm comfortable feeling. The picture being black and white, helps emphasis the man and especially the sparkler in the photo because if there had been color somewhere else in the photo, the sparkler would not have been that prominent. The many blurs around him look like the hazy silhouettes of people, thus also a reason why this could have been a celebration. the light that is coming from one small object is interesting to him and even though more people are around him he is focused on one thing and that is the sparkler, and the photo is emphasising that with its camera angle when he creates a soft and melted background and a bright front and focus in majority of the photo.