Friday, February 10, 2012

S2 Monday Matters: Beginning Research 3

Health and General Welfare:
In columnist Lisa Shives, Sleeping through the holidays,
Sleeping through the holidays are often seen as a way of catching up on sleep for teens, however oversleeping could be a sign of an illness or disease. There are many symptoms of lack of sleep and many diseases a teen can have because of sleep deprivation. Teens do have a tendency to sleep at a later time, and often their sleeping cycle does not stay constant. Electronics also makes their sleeping cycle worse. This relates to my life because a lot of kids struggle with sleep deprivation and when I was reading through the article, I found that somethings that were mentioned were very accurate for me and it was also very shocking. I did not think that there were that great of consequences from sleep deprivation. For further research I can look into how teens manage sleep deprivation and look at further experiments on it and how teens are affected by it in school.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

S2 Monday Matters: Beginning Research 2
Health and General Welfare:

Jeffery Kluger's article, Shhhh! The Quiet Joys of the Introvert, it is actually better to be an introvert than an extrovert. According to his article, being an introvert is different from being shy. Shy is a form of anxiety and introverts are people who think socializing is exhausting and would rather be around a select few people. The reason why introverts can have more benefits than extroverts are because solitude can allow people to stay concentrated and focused for longer; their listenings skills also tend to be better and approach risks a lot better. This is relevant to my life because I myself think I am an extrovert and always thought it was better to be an extrovert;however, being an introvert can be very good. I constantly deal with different kinds of people everyday, and I think this article shows that different kinds of people have different skills. I think it would be interesting to research the contrast between introverts and extroverts and what influences people to become the way they are.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

S2 Monday Matters: Beginning Research 1
Health and General Welfare:

In Amanda Enayati's article How to Deal With Mean People, There has been an increase in mean people, and according to a 2010 National Civility Survey, the situation has gotten worse. Studies have shown that people who are mean tend to have worse health compared to the people who are nice; this is due to a large amount of hormones that are released when a person is nice. According to, Stanford Professor, Robert Sutton who wrote The No A**hole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t, the ways to deal with mean people are, Stand up or develop indifference, Reframe and change how you see things, and limit you exposure. This is relevant to my life because out in the world there are very rude people. I also think it's shocking to see that the rate of rude people have increased. I think it would be interesting to research why people have become more mean and what things have changed to increase that in the years because Amanda Enayati did speculate a little on the subject, but I think finding the main reasons and details on it would give me better insight on it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday Matters: Monday 15

Esther Cepeda is very critical about society and she has view strong view points. often Esther Cepda will have sarcastic or critcal remarks like, "This isn’t a surprise" (public schools are failing the most gifted students), "Surprise, surprise" (being a charter doesn't make a school good or bad), and "my first holiday wish is to never again have to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving Day. It’s bad enough that the local craft stores had Christmas decorations out during the dog days of summer, and Halloween candy was put out on shelves the day after school started. Give me some peace!" (My five holiday wishes). She has a very liberal view and as a women she does have a strong view on women and her support for them. In her article Help women’s soccer make a well-deserved comeback , she says, "Ladies, it’s time to stand in solidarity with your soccer-playing sisters". This has been on of her closer-to-positive articles, often she does not have very positive articles, even her holiday article, My Five Holiday Wishes, she is pointing out the negatives about holidays being celebrated to early. Esther Cepeda, however, always does provide suggestions and ways of improving the problems and often a call to action. Her Articles are always passionate and strong.

Monday Matters: Monday 14

In Esther Cepeda's "Being a Charter Doesn’t Make School Good or Bad" and "Public Schools are Failing the Most Gifted Students", her position is going against charter schools claiming that they are better than public schools and that public schools are not providing oppurtunites for gifted children to be challenged. She is essentially criticizing both the public school system and charter schools. She communicates her position through quotes, statistics, and her own opinion.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 13
Columnist: Esther Cepeda

1. lack of fans and sponsors interest in Women's Professional Soccer, they may not be able to play next year
2. women all across the country are doing all that they can too keep the Professional League up
3. apparently "more than 47,000 people have signed an online petition asking U.S. Soccer to allow WPS to remain a sanctioned league."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Monday Matters: Monday 12
Columnist: Esther Cepeda

1.Charter Schools are not doing much better than Chicago Public Schools
2.Comparing Charter schools and public schools because factors are different and they affect the numbers that are provided for scoring
3.Esther knows that they are going to around for a long time, so they have to deal with them
4.A charter school cannot be determined as good, mediocre, or bad.