Saturday, January 28, 2012

S2 Monday Matters: Beginning Research 2
Health and General Welfare:

Jeffery Kluger's article, Shhhh! The Quiet Joys of the Introvert, it is actually better to be an introvert than an extrovert. According to his article, being an introvert is different from being shy. Shy is a form of anxiety and introverts are people who think socializing is exhausting and would rather be around a select few people. The reason why introverts can have more benefits than extroverts are because solitude can allow people to stay concentrated and focused for longer; their listenings skills also tend to be better and approach risks a lot better. This is relevant to my life because I myself think I am an extrovert and always thought it was better to be an extrovert;however, being an introvert can be very good. I constantly deal with different kinds of people everyday, and I think this article shows that different kinds of people have different skills. I think it would be interesting to research the contrast between introverts and extroverts and what influences people to become the way they are.

1 comment:

  1. Ishitia:
    Your entries thus far focus on social/emotional issues and provide an insight into how human nature evolves. This has real potential, especially if you choose to focus on previously unexplored but current trends in human behavior.
    Mr. Heller
